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9/12/2024 MIN

Wilson Elementary
Community Council Minutes
September 12, 2024 @ 3:00 pm
Faculty Room



  1. Welcome and Agenda
  2. Review and approval of previous minutes
    1. Selection of
      • Chair – Sarah
      • Vice Chair – Trent
      • Secretary – Adrianne
  3. Review SCC Responsibilities and rules of order
    1. Responsibilities 
    2. Rules of Order
  4. SIP goals for 24-25
    1. Goal #1
      Goal & Rationale

      Wilson Elementary will increase the percentage of students that are above benchmark composite score by 12% from beginning of the year (BOY) to end of the year (EOY) as measured by the Acadience Reading Assessment. 

      This goal was identified based on the high priority of reading ability and the emphasis that has been put on early literacy skills. It also supports the state literacy goal.

      Focus Area
      Measurements (How will progres toward the goal be determined?)
      Acadience Reading Assessment
      Action Plan Steps (What steps will be taken to achieve the goal, including key expenditures)
      1. We will support student learning by hiring instructional aides to collaborate with teachers to provide the best learning experience. ($50,200)
      2. Support literacy by providing literacy software. ($5,000)
      3. We will progress monitor any student whose composite benchmark indicator decreases. For example: A student who scores blue composite on BOY and then scores green in the MOY
      1. Goal #2
        Goal & Raionale

        Wilson Elementary will increase students’ math academic content knowledge. This will be measured by a 20% increase in students that score above proficient from beginning of the year (BOY) to end of year (EOY) composite measured by Acadience math.  

        This goal was identified based on the high priority math computation and necessary need for foundational skills supported by the arts.

        Focus Area (math, science, reading, etc.)
        Measurements (How will progress toward the goal be determined?)
        Acadience Math Assessment
        Action Plan Steps (What steps will be taken to achieve the goal, including key expenditures)?
        1. We will support student learning by hiring instructional aides to collaborate with teachers to provide the best learning experience.
        2. Teachers will give students the Acadience math test three times a year. We will then review this data as a staff and monitor our progress during our data dive days.  
        3. Teachers will be provided days throughout the school year, to collaborate in different capacities. These days will be focused on producing highly effective lessons, curriculum maps and providing teams time to implement best teaching practices into their classrooms through reflection on data. Teachers may deepen their learning and understanding of collaboration by attending professional development conferences or PLC conferences. ($8,669.53)
        4. Systematically reinforce those common expectations at a classroom, grade level, and school level to create an optimal learning environment for students to access math content knowledge.  (Purchase materials to help improve the school wide behavior system, and provide incentives for students.) ($718)
        5. The guiding coalition will be meeting for one day before the school year begins to collaborate on how to best initiate and support staff with meeting this goal along with planning on school wide initiatives. ($2,800)


  5. Budget
    1. $67,658 
      Estimates Totals
      Estimated Carry-over from the previous year’s Progress Report  0
      Estimated Distribution in Plan Year  $67,387.53
      Total Estimated Available Fund for the Play Year  $67,387.53
      Summary of Estimated Expenditures For Plan Year  $67,387.53
      This may not be a negative number Total Estimated Carry Over to Following Play Year  $0

      The  distribution in this plan is an estimate. If the actual distribution is more than the estimate, how will additional funds be spent to implement the goals described in the plan?
      Additional Funds will be used to:
      1. If we are unable to hire paraprofessionals, we will purchase computer software/hardware that enables teachers to differentiate instruction for reading and/or math and help keep students accountable.
      2. If we are unable to purchase technology related supplies or software we will fund teacher conferences, substitutes, or collaboration for online courses for professional development.
      3. If additional money is not spent, we will look to purchase supplies and substitutes that support teacher development
  6. Other Informational Items
    1. Raise Responsibility
    2. Productive Recess
    3. Communication with parents about prep
    4. Questions?

Meeting Notes:


Explanation of Councils jobs and expectations. Voted on roles

Sara LeBarge - Chair

Trent Shorter - Vice chair

Adrianne Gammons - Secretary 

-Addressed need for a meeting on safety drop off/pick up procedures

-Discussed goals, testing explanation by Ms. Jenny Brown and desired performance outcomes

  • Principal to send out message describing BOY testing and how the benchmark is set.
  • Principal to send out messge of three positions available at the school.

-Approval of school improvement plan


-logistics for teachers to send out prep info to parents discussed

-end meeting