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Wilson Elementary

Proud Members of #TEAMLogan

11/14/2024 AG

Wilson Elementary
Community Council Agenda
November 14, 2024 @ 3:00 pm
Faculty Room


  1. Welcome and Agenda(2 min)
  2. ​​​​​​​Review and approval of previous minutes (2 min)
  3. Principal Marworth’s Corner (15 min)
    1. Review of Literacy night
    2. Final count on School Fundraiser
      1. “Y” room ideas for lunch recess and indoor activities
    3. Student behavior and safety survey – due Nov. 22 @ 5pm
    4. School Report Card Data
    5. K-3 Data
    6. Input on Holiday Program in the evening? Day of the Week? Time? Location
  4. Safety Items (15 min)
    1. Review Problems/Concerns
      1. Students crossing the street on 100 S to get to the SW door entrance
      2. Cars switching in and out of traffic to drop off on SW sidewalk
      3. Afternoon pickup on street
      4. Bus only zone even at 3:30pm
    2. Proposed solutions
      1. Education
        1. What resources can we use to educate our familie? 
          1. Wilson Handbook/Website
          2. Safe Routes computer guidance program
          3. Parent Square Notifications
            1. A reminder that there is no pick-up and drop-off in the main parking lot of the school.  The parking lot in front of the school is for bus loading and unloading only.  Please drop off and pick up your students off on 400 E, 500 E. and 100 S. Thank you for keeping our students safe.  Sept 2-6
            2. School safety is important at our school.  We conduct monthly safety drills and we have a school safety team that meets twice a month and reviews our safety procedures. If you have any suggestions on how to improve our school safety (pick up, drop School safety is important at our school.  We conduct monthly safety drills and we have a school safety team that meets twice a month and reviews our safety procedures. If you have any suggestions on how to improve our school safety (pick up, drop
          4. Create Canva presentation in multiple languages
            1. Who would like to work on this?
          5. Video from Student Council?
        2. Personnel/crossing guards
          1. Request review in Jan/Feb to come in early-late Spring
          2. What is our first step in requesting that review?
          3. Who would like to work on this?
  5. Academic Rigor and Enrichment at Wilson (15 min)
    1. What does the school offer for enrichment?
      1. E2 (Gifted and Talented Curriculum) for Grades 3-5
        1. What are K-2 options?
          1. Accelerated Reader
          2. School play
          3. Honor choir
          4. Lexia
          5. Scootpad
          6. Add more here
        2. Outdoor Learning Center
        3. Extension in classroom
        4. Communication with teachers for extended opportunities or data on their acceleration? Or better yet, digital views available to parents as observers?
      2. How do we get that word out to the community?
  6. Other items of concern or notice? (5 min)
    1. PTA Food Drive in December
    2. FYI December 12, 2024 Meeting will not occur and cancellation was sent - by laws allow us to skip December
  7. Adjourn meeting (2 min)