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3/14/2024 MIN

Wilson Elementary
Community Council Minute
March 14, 2024 @ 3:00 pm
Faculty Room


  • In attendance:
    • Morgan, Madison, Tiffany, Eric, Brittney Jenny, Michelle, Sarah
  • Minutes approved by: Tiffany, seconded by Jenny Introduction of New Principal
  • School Land Trust Plan:$67,000 (down from $80,000 last year)
    • Review Two Plans
    • Same goals:
    • Plan 1: Keep BTS, take funds from other sources to fund since budget increased
      • Increase percentage of students above benchmark composite score by 12% from BOY to EOY by Acadience Reading (1 percent higher than past to push ourselves)
        • Hiring instructional aides ($41,000)
        • Literacy Software ($3,000) Star/AR (used in elementary, middle, and high school)
        • PBIS ($718): $2 per student
        • Progress monitoring students
      • Increase math knowledge through arts. 20% increase from BOY to EOY composite on Acadience Math
        • Hire certified art teacher ($21,000)
        • Lessons to support math and buy supplied ($1,500)
        • Collaborate through PLC
        • Give Acadience 3 times
        • Monitor through data dive
    • Plan 2: Same goals
      • $55,000 for Aides
      • Literacy Program (Read Naturally Live)
      • Math Collaboration with teachers $8,000
      • PBIS supplies $718
      • Guiding Coalition for 1 day before school $2,800
  • Motion to accept option 2 and approve budget by Sarah, 2nd by Michelle
    • Approved
  • Making a gift for Sheree: Art book created by the students
  • Calendar for Rest of the Year:
    • STEM Night
    • End of year activities- Meet in April (Plan elections)
  • Follow Up BTS Program


All meetings will begin on time and the schedule will be kept. If you have items you would like to add to the agenda please email suggestions to Morgan Cole Email me here.