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Wilson Elementary

Proud Members of #TEAMLogan

3/9/2023 MIN

Wilson Elementary
Community Council Minutes
March 9, 2023 @ 3:00 pm
Faculty Room


  • Approve Minutes
    • Minutes approved, Jenny motioned to approve and Tiffany seconded.
  • Go over SIP Proposal
    • Goal #1:
      • Wilson Elementary will increase the percentage of students that are at benchmark and above benchmark composite score by 10% from beginning of the year (BOY) to end of the year (EOY) as measured in the Acadience Reading assessment.
      • Supports: Aides, Teacher days to collaborate about effective interventions, literacy software, reinforce reading benefits and reward system.
    • Goal #2:
      • Wilson Elementary students will increase the students’ math academic content knowledge through the arts. This will be measured by a 3% increase from BOY to EOY on the Acadience math assessments administered in their classrooms.
      • Supports: certified art teacher to support math concepts and practices. Administer Acadience at BOY, MOY, EOY. Teachers will follow the data to see progress.
    • Approval of School Improvement Plan
      • Tara motioned to approve, Michelle seconded and all were in favor.
    • March 14th, Grade Level stations, business stations, Tacos for everyone, and can use assistance if the council can come and help out.


All meetings will begin on time and the schedule will be kept. If you have items you would like to add to the agenda please email suggestions to Morgan Cole Email me here.