Sarah motions to approve the minutes, Jess seconded the motion.
Speaking about different community needs, specifically a neighborhood fair and civic engagement for an evening fair. Different booths with community needs to reach out and inform the Wilson Neighborhood.
Tentative date: Wednesday February 15th, 5-7 or 6-8
Audubon society/Mayor can provide a book and fieldtrip for the fourth grade students. Walking to Denzil Stewart Nature Park for a fieldt trip is an option in the spring.
Huge turnout, activities seemed to be enjoyable. Food truck fun and worth it for the business. Maybe put a time limit on offering food.
Goal #1- Reading Acadience improvement by 10% overall.
See document for Action Plan.
Salaries and Benefits- Instructional Assistants $41,000
Salaries and Benefits- Lit Academy and Collaboration $10,000
Renaissance Software $3,000
Student Incentives- PBIS $1,000
Guided Reading Books $1,500
Supplies for Literacy Academy $2,022
Total $58,522
Goal #2- Curriculum and lessons tied for each grade level
Salary for BTSAP $11,000
Art Supplies $1,500
Total $12,500
November 9th 12:00
Do we need subs?