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Wilson Elementary

Proud Members of #TEAMLogan

3/22/2022 MIN

Wilson Elementary
Community Council Minutes
March 22, 2022 @ 2:45 pm
Faculty Room

Update on meetings with staff

  • Faculty would still like Art and feel it is beneficial to students
  • Maybe it needs to be discussed a little earlier in the year to make a decision on Art versus a Reading Interventionist

Proposed Goals and Action Plan listed below along with budget breakdown

Goal #1:
Wilson Elementary will increase the percentage of students that are at benchmark and above benchmark composite score by 10% from beginning of the year (BOY) to end of the year (EOY) as measured in the Acadience Reading assessment

Action Plan:

  • Teachers and staff will administer Acadience and STAR assessment in the Fall to determine strengths and areas of improvement for each student. (STAR software will be bought so that we can monitor students' reading levels and comprehension quarterly.)
  • Students will pass off their high frequency words
  • Instructional assistants will help by administering assessments and provide Tier 2 interventions.
  • PBIS incentives will be provided for all the students that met their reading goals
  • The Literacy Academy and collaboration time will be used so that teachers can collaborate in identifying new research based ideas and strategies to help students meet their reading goals
Proposed Budget
Salaries & Benefits - Instructional Assistants $41,000
Salaries & Benefits - Literacy Academy and Collaboration $10,000
Renaissance Software $3,000
Student Incentives - PBIS $1,000
Guided Reading Books $1,500
Supplies for Literacy Academy $2,022
Total $58,522

Goal #2:
Wilson Elementary students will increase the students’ math academic content knowledge through the arts. This will be measured by common formative assessments administered in their classrooms

Action Plan:

  • Teachers will meet and determine which concepts will be incorporated into the arts lessons.
  • BTS teacher and grade level teams will work collaboratively in developing lessons and common formative assessments
  • The assessments will be administered prior to teaching the concepts in both the regular and art class.
  • After the lessons, a post assessment will be administered and data will be discussed during our PLC meetings.
Proposed Budget
Salaries & Benefits - BTS Teacher $11,000
Art Supplies $1,500
Total $12,500

Any additional funding will be used to hire additional instructional assistants, books, and/or additional hours for Literacy Academy.

We have estimated about a $6000 carryover.

Motion to Approve

  • Liz Halaufia made a motion to approve the school improvement plan and budget, Jessica Forrey seconded the motion to approve the budget and goals as presented.

Debrief/New Business


All meetings will begin on time and the schedule will be kept. If you have items you would like to add to the agenda please email suggestions to Liz Dickenson. Email me here.

Next Meeting

  • April 14, 2022 @ 2:45pm