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Wilson Elementary

Proud Members of #TEAMLogan

3/10/2022 MIN

Wilson Elementary
Community Council Minutes
March 10, 2022 @ 3:00 pm


  • Katie Harris
  • Jenny Brown
  • Liz Dickenson
  • Jenny Williams
  • Jess Forrey
  • Liz Haulifia
  • Amy Cox

Approve Minutes

  • Liz motions
  • Kaite Harris seconded
  • All in favor

Review of New Map

First North and 400 East is on the plan to be addressed. Sidewalk discussed going up Canyon Drive towards Herm’s on both sides. New boundaries need to be discussed. Kids can walk down Center street and cross the bridge underneath the bridge to get to the side of Merlin Olsen. Survey to see if cars could stop around Eastridge coming from the south side of Center Street

STEM Night

Traditional Science Fair Night. In the gym. Parents/Students come in on the 16th from 4:30-5:30. Thursday, the classes can come and look through the displays during school. Thursday judging goes from 5-6 and the parents and community come from 6-7. All students get a science experiment to take home.

School Improvement Plan and Budget Updates

Budget: Everything will stay the same but Liz will be asking all teachers for a wish list for books for reading. Liz proposed an amendment that will include using any carryover and consultant services budget to buy classroom books and reading materials as our focus for next school year will be literacy.

  • Jess motions to approve
  • All in favor


Literacy will be the focus for next year’s goal. We have included the BTS ARTs teacher and incorporating math content and assessment there.

We have an Interventionist that has been hired to work for K-2. Are we more interested in using the Interventionist full time rather than the BTS Art Teacher. If it is one or the other we just need to go with what is best for students.

Meeting Adjournment

  • Liz Halaufia motions
  • Jenny Brown 2nd